
{{11}}skin (n.) c.1200, "animal hide" (usually dressed and tanned), from O.N. skinn "animal hide," from P.Gmc. *skintha- (Cf. O.H.G. scinten, Ger. schinden "to flay, skin;" Ger. dialectal schind "skin of a fruit," Flem. schinde "bark"), from PIE *sken- "cut off" (Cf. Bret. scant "scale of a fish," Ir. scainim "I tear, I burst"), from root *sek- "cut." Replaced native HIDE (Cf. hide) (n.); the modern technical distinction between the two words is based on the size of the animal. Meaning "epidermis of a living animal or person" is attested from mid-14c.; extended to fruits, vegetables, etc. late 14c.
Ful of fleissche Y was to fele, Now ... Me is lefte But skyn & boon. [hymn, c.1430]
Jazz slang sense of "drum" is from 1927. As an adjective, it formerly had a slang sense of "cheating" (1868); sense of "pornographic" is attested from 1968. Skin-tight is from 1885; skin deep is first attested in this:
All the carnall beauty of my wife, Is but skin-deep. [Sir Thomas Overbury, "A Wife," 1613; the poem was a main motive for his murder]
{{12}}skin (v.) late 14c., "to remove the skin from" (originally of circumcision), from SKIN (Cf. skin) (n.). As "to have (a particular kind of) skin" from c.1400. Related: Skinned; skinning.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • skin — [skin] n. [ME skinn < ON, akin to Ger schinden, to flay, peel < IE * (s)ken(d) , to split off (< base * sek , to cut: see SAW1) > OIr ceinn, a scale, scurf] 1. the outer covering or integument of the animal body 2. such a covering,… …   English World dictionary

  • skin — n Skin, hide, pelt, rind, bark, peel can all denote an outer removable coat which adheres to and protects the inner tissues of a body or organism. Skin, the most general term, applies especially to the outer covering of animals, whether it is as… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Skin — Skin, n. [Icel. skinn; akin to Sw. skinn, Dan. skind, AS. scinn, G. schined to skin.] 1. (Anat.) The external membranous integument of an animal. [1913 Webster] Note: In man, and the vertebrates generally, the skin consist of two layers, an outer …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • skin — ► NOUN 1) the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal. 2) the skin of a dead animal used as material for clothing or other items. 3) the peel or outer layer of a fruit or vegetable. 4) an outer… …   English terms dictionary

  • Skin — (englisch für „Haut“ oder „Verkleidung“) steht für: Skin (Computer), eine Einstellungsdatei für Computerprogramme, die das Erscheinungsbild der Bedienungsoberfläche (GUI) festlegt den Künstlernamen der britischen Sängerin Deborah Anne Dyer (Skunk …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Skin — Skin, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Skinned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Skinning}.] 1. To strip off the skin or hide of; to flay; to peel; as, to skin an animal. [1913 Webster] 2. To cover with skin, or as with skin; hence, to cover superficially. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Skin — tiene varias entradas: El grupo musical japonés de nombre S.K.I.N. El grupo de rock Skin de Caracas Venezuela. La canción Skin de la cantante Madonna. El apócope de skinhead término inglés para el movimiento obrero también conocido como cabezas… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Skin — o skin head (ingl.; pronunc. [esquín] o [esquín jéd]; pl. «skins» o «skin heads») n. Cabeza rapada. * * * A la madre Nat y su hijo Dagr se les dieron carros engalanados con piedras preciosas para que conduzcan alrededor de la Tierra, uno detrás… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Skin — Skin, v. i. 1. To become covered with skin; as, a wound skins over. [1913 Webster] 2. To produce, in recitation, examination, etc., the work of another for one s own, or to use in such exercise cribs, memeoranda, etc., which are prohibited.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • skin up — (slang) To make a marijuana joint (see the corresponding sense of the n above) • • • Main Entry: ↑skin * * * ˌskin ˈup derived (BrE, informal) to make a cigarette containing ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Skin — der; s, s <zu engl. skin »Haut«> Kurzform von ↑Skinhead …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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