
six O.E. siex, from P.Gmc. *sekhs (Cf. O.S. seks, O.N., O.Fris. sex, M.Du. sesse, Du. zes, O.H.G. sehs, Ger. sechs, Goth. saihs), from PIE *seks (Cf. Skt. sas, Avestan kshvash, Gk. hex, L. sex, O.C.S. sesti, Lith. sesi, O.Ir. se, Welsh chwech). Six-shooter is first attested 1844; six-pack of beverage is from 1952. Six of one and half-a-dozen of the other "little difference" is recorded from 1836. Phrase at sixes and sevens "hazarding all ones chances," is first in Chaucer, perhaps from dicing (the original form was on six and seven) and could be a corruption of on cinque and sice, using the Fr. names (which were common in M.E.) for the highest numbers on the dice.

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  • six — six …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • six — [ sis ] adj. numér. et n. m. • XIIIe; sis 1080; lat. sex REM. Six se prononce [ si ] devant un nom commençant par une consonne; [ siz ] devant un nom commençant par une voyelle; [ sis ] dans les autres cas. I ♦ Adj. numér. card. Nombre entier… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Six — Six, a. [AS. six, seox, siex; akin to OFries. sex, D. zes, OS. & OHG. sehs, G. sechs, Icel., Sw., & Dan. sex, Goth. sa[ i]hs, Lith. szeszi, Russ. sheste, Gael. & Ir. se, W. chwech, L. sex, Gr. ??, Per. shesh, Skr. shash. [root]304. Cf. {Hexagon} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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