
{{11}}pan (n.) O.E. panne, earlier ponne (Mercian), from W.Gmc. *panna (Cf. O.N. panna, O.Fris. panne, O.L.G. panna, O.H.G. phanna, Ger. pfanne), probably an early borrowing (4c. or 5c.) from V.L. *patna, from L. patina "shallow, pan, dish," from Gk. patane "plate, dish," from PIE root *pet- "to spread." Irish panna probably is from English, and Lith. pana is from German.
Used of pan-shaped parts of mechanical apparatus from c.1590; hence flash in the pan, a figurative use from early firearms, where a pan held the priming (and the gunpowder might "flash," but no shot ensue). To go out of the (frying) pan into the fire is first found in Spenser (1596).
{{12}}pan (v.1) "to wash gravel or sand in a pan in search of gold," 1839, from PAN (Cf. pan) (n.); to pan out "turn out, succeed" (1868) is a figurative use of this. The meaning "criticize severely" is from 1911. Related: Panned; panning.
{{12}}pan (v.2) "follow with a camera," 1913 shortening of PANORAMIC (Cf. panoramic), from panoramic camera (1878). Meaning "to swing from one object to another in a scene" is from 1931. Panavision (1955) is a proprietary name of a type of wide-screen lens. Related: Panned; panning.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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