- out
- {{11}}out (adv.) O.E. ut, common Germanic (Cf. O.N., O.Fris., Goth. ut, Du. uit, Ger. aus), from PIE root *ud- "up, up away" (Cf. Skt. ut "up, out," uttarah "higher, upper, later, northern;" Avestan uz- "up, out," O.Ir. ud- "out," L. usque "all the way to, without interruption," Gk. hysteros "the latter," Rus. vy- "out"). Meaning "unconscious" is attested from 1898, originally in boxing. Sense of "not popular or modern" is from 1966.Sense in baseball (1860) was originally from cricket, where it is attested from 1746. Adverbial phrase out-and-out "thoroughly" is attested from early 14c.; adjective usage is attested from 1813; out-of-the-way (adj.) "remote, secluded" is attested from late 15c. Out-of-towner "one not from a certain place" is from 1911. Shakespeare's It out-herods Herod ("Hamlet") reflects Herod as stock braggart and bully in old religious drama and was widely imitated 19c. Out to lunch "insane" is student slang from 1955; out of this world "excellent" is from 1938; out of sight "excellent, superior" is from 1891.{{12}}out (v.) O.E. utian "expel" (see OUT (Cf. out) (adv.)); used in many senses over the years. Meaning "to expose as a closet homosexual" is first recorded 1990 (as an adjective meaning "openly avowing one's homosexuality" it dates from 1970s; see CLOSET (Cf. closet)); sense of "disclose to public view, reveal, make known" has been present since mid-14c.Eufrosyne preyde Þat god schulde not outen hire to nowiht. [Legendary of St. Euphrosyne, c.1350]Related: Outed; outing.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.