
nuptial (adj.) late 15c., from M.Fr. nuptial, or directly from L. nuptialis "pertaining to marriage," from nuptiae "wedding," from nupta, fem. pp. of nubere "to marry, wed, take as a husband," related to Gk. nymphe "bride," from PIE *sneubh- "to marry, wed" (Cf. O.C.S. snubiti "to love, woo," Czech snoubiti "to seek in marriage," Slovak zasnubit "to betroth"). Related: Nuptially.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • nuptial — nuptial, iale, iaux [ nypsjal, jo ] adj. • XIIIe; lat. nuptialis, de nuptiæ→ noce ♦ Littér. (sauf dans quelques expr.) Relatif aux noces, à la célébration du mariage. Bénédiction, cérémonie, messe nuptiale. « L amour de Gwinplaine pour Déa… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • nupţial — NUPŢIÁL, Ă, nupţiali, e, adj. Privitor la nuntă, de nuntă; nuntitor, nunţial. ♦ (Despre oameni) Care se referă la perioada împerecherii, de împerechere. [pr.: ţi al] – Din fr. nuptial, lat. nuptialis. Trimis de bogdanrsb, 13.08.2004. Sursa: DEX… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Nuptial — Nup tial, n.; pl. {Nuptials} (n[u^]p shalz). Marriage; wedding; nuptial ceremony; now only in the plural. [1913 Webster] Celebration of that nuptial, which We two have sworn shall come. Shak. [1913 Webster] Preparations . . . for the approaching… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • nuptial — Nuptial, [nupti]ale. adj. Qui concerne la ceremonie des nopces, qui sert à l usage du mariage. Robe nuptiale. la benediction nuptiale. ses habits nuptiaux. le lit nuptial. soüiller la couche nuptiale …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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