
nephew (n.) c.1300, from O.Fr. neveu (O.N.Fr. nevu) "grandson, descendant," from L. nepotem (nom. nepos) "sister's son, grandson, descendant," in post-Augustan Latin, "nephew," from PIE *nepot- "grandchild," and in a general sense, "male descendant other than son" (Cf. Skt. napat "grandson, descendant;" O.Pers. napat- "grandson;" O.Lith. nepuotis "grandson;" Du. neef; Ger. Neffe "nephew;" O.Ir. nia, gen. niath "son of a sister," Welsh nei). Used in English in all the classical senses until meaning narrowed in 17c., and also as a euphemism for "the illegitimate son of an ecclesiastic" (1580s). The Old English cognate, nefa "nephew, stepson, grandson, second cousin" survived to 16c.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • nephew — [nef′yo͞o; ] chiefly Brit [, nev′yo͞o] n. [ME neveu < OFr < L nepos < IE base * nepot , grandson, nephew > Sans napat, OE nefa] 1. a) the son of one s brother or sister b) the son of one s brother in law or sister in law 2. an… …   English World dictionary

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