
meta- prefix meaning 1. "after, behind," 2. "changed, altered," 3. "higher, beyond;" from Gk. meta (prep.) "in the midst of, in common with, by means of, in pursuit or quest of," from PIE *me- "in the middle" (Cf. Ger. mit, Goth. miþ, O.E. mið "with, together with, among;" see MID (Cf. mid)). Notion of "changing places with" probably led to senses "change of place, order, or nature," which was a principal meaning of the Greek word when used as a prefix (but also denoting "community, participation; in common with; pursuing").
Third sense, "higher than, transcending, overarching, dealing with the most fundamental matters of," is due to misinterpretation of METAPHYSICS (Cf. metaphysics) as "science of that which transcends the physical." This has led to a prodigious erroneous extension in modern usage, with meta- affixed to the names of other sciences and disciplines, especially in the academic jargon of literary criticism, which affixes it to just about anything that moves and much that doesn't.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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