
Magdalene fem. proper name, from L. (Maria) Magdalena, from Gk. Magdalene, lit. "woman of Magdala," from Aramaic Maghdela, place on the Sea of Galilee, lit. "tower." The vernacular form of the name, via French, has come to English as MAUDLIN (Cf. maudlin).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Magdalene — or Magdalen may refer to: Mary Magdalene, a disciple of Jesus Magdalene (given name), a feminine given name (and list of persons with that name) Magdalene (comics), a character in Marvel Comics Magdalen (band) or Magdallan, an American metal band …   Wikipedia

  • Magdalene — (Платамонас,Греция) Категория отеля: Адрес: 45, Egnatias street, Платамонас, 60065, Греци …   Каталог отелей

  • Magdalene — [mag′də lən, mag′dəlin, mag′dəlēn΄; ] also [, ] for 2 [, mag΄ də lē′nə] n. [LL(Ec) < Gr(Ec) Magdalēne, lit., of Magdala, after Magdala, town on the Sea of Galilee] former 1. a feminine name: dim. Lena; var. Madeline, Madelyn 2. Bible Mary… …   English World dictionary

  • Magdalene — Magdalene, 1) Einsiedelei im Sensebezirt des Schweizercantons Freiburg, 1 Stunde von Freiburg; dabei eine 400 Fuß lange Höhle, welche Joh. Dupré von Gruyere 1670 – 80 in den Sandsteinfelsen aushöhlte u. in welcher sich eine Kirche mit Thurm, Säle …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Magdalene — f Learned form of MADELEINE (SEE Madeleine), used especially in Germany. Variants: English: Magdalen. Latinate: Magdalena (used in Spain, Portugal, Germany, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Poland, and Czechoslovakia). Cognates: Italian: Maddalena.… …   First names dictionary

  • Magdalene — /ˈmægdəlin/ (say magduhleen) noun 1. the Magdalene → Mary Magdalene. 2. (also lower case) a woman whose life story resembles that of Mary Magdalene, especially a reformed prostitute. 3. the Magdalene, a representation of Mary Magdalene in art.… …  

  • Magdalene — Magdalen, Magdalene The names of the colleges in Oxford (Magdalen) and Cambridge (Magdalene) are pronounced maw dlin. In the full biblical name Mary Magdalene (= of Magdala in Galilee), Magdalene is pronounced mag dǝ lin or mag dǝ lee ni. The… …   Modern English usage

  • Magdalene — Magdalena ist ein weiblicher Vorname. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Bedeutung des Namens 2 Varianten 3 Namenstag 4 Bekannte Namensträgerinnen 4.1 Fürstinnen namens Magdalena …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Magdalene — /mag deuh leen , leuhn, mag deuh lee nee/, n. 1. the. See Mary Magdalene. 2. (l.c.) a reformed prostitute. 3. Also, Magdalen /mag deuh leuhn/. a female given name: from a Hebrew word meaning woman of Magdala. * * * …   Universalium

  • Magdalene — noun a) Mary Magdalene, a disciple of Jesus. Trying to help women whove come to grief. Old Jolyon didnt quite understand. To grief? he repeated; then realised with a shock that she meant exactly what he would have meant himself if he had used… …   Wiktionary

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