
{{11}}mat (adj.) 1640s, "lusterless, dull" (of a color or surface), from Fr. mat "dull, dead surface," from O.Fr. mat "beaten down, withered, afflicted, dejected; dull," which is perhaps from L. mattus "maudlin with drink," from madere "to be wet or sodden, be drunk," from PIE root *mad- "to be wet, drip" (see MAST (Cf. mast) (n.2)). Or the French word might represent a transferred use from chess of mater "to checkmate, defeat," from Arabic (see MATE (Cf. mate) (v.2)).
{{12}}mat (n.1) loosely joined natural materials used as bedding, etc., O.E. matte, from L.L. matta "mat made of rushes" (4c.), probably from Punic or Phoenician matta (Cf. Heb. mittah "bed, couch"). Meaning "tangled mass" is from 1835. That of "piece of padded flooring used in gymnastics or wrestling" is attested from 1892; hence figurative phrase go to the mat "do battle" (1910). The Latin word also is the source of Ger. Matte, matze; Du. mat, It. matta. French natte "mat, matting" is from Late Latin secondary form natta (Cf. NAPKIN (Cf. napkin)).
{{12}}mat (n.2) "sheet of backing material," 1845, from Fr. mat "dull surface or finish" (15c.), noun use of O.Fr. mat (adj.); see MAT (Cf. mat) (adj.).
{{13}}mat (v.) early 15c., "to make mats," from MAT (Cf. mat) (n.1). From 1540s as "to provide with mats, to cover with mats;" meaning "to become tangled" is from 1570s. Related: Matted; matting.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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