
{{11}}lie (n.1) "an untruth," O.E. lyge "lie, falsehood," from P.Gmc. *lugiz (Cf. O.N. lygi, Dan. lègn, O.Fris. leyne (fem.), Du. leugen (fem.), O.H.G. lugi, Ger. Lüge, Goth. liugn "a lie"), from the root of LIE (Cf. lie) (v.1). To give the lie to "accuse directly of lying" is attested from 1590s. Lie-detector first recorded 1909.
{{12}}lie (n.2) "manner of lying," 1690s, from LIE (Cf. lie) (v.2). Sense in golf is from 1857.
{{12}}lie (v.1) "speak falsely, tell an untruth," late 12c., from O.E. legan, ligan, earlier leogan "deceive, belie, betray" (class II strong verb; past tense leag, pp. logen), from P.Gmc. *leugan (Cf. O.N. ljuga, Dan. lyve, O.Fris. liaga, O.S., O.H.G. liogan, Ger. lügen, Goth. liugan), from PIE root *leugh- "to tell a lie."
{{13}}lie (v.2) "rest horizontally," early 12c., from O.E. licgan (class V strong verb; past tense læg, pp. legen) "be situated, reamin; be at rest, lie down," from P.Gmc. *legjanan (Cf. O.N. liggja, O.Fris. lidzia, M.Du. ligghen, Du. liggen, O.H.G. ligen, Ger. liegen, Goth. ligan), from PIE *legh- "to lie, lay" (Cf. Hittite laggari "falls, lies," Gk. lekhesthai "to lie down," L. lectus "bed," O.C.S. lego "to lie down," Lith. at-lagai "fallow land," O.Ir. laigim "I lie down," Ir. luighe "couch, grave"). To lie with "have sexual intercourse" is from c.1300, and Cf. O.E. licgan mid "cohabit with." To take (something) lying down "passively, submissively" is from 1854.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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