
Laurence masc. proper name, from O.Fr. Lorenz (Fr. Laurent), from L. Laurentius, lit. "of Laurentum," a maritime town in Latium, lit. "town of bay trees," from laurus (see LAUREL (Cf. laurel)). The Italian form is Lorenzo. A popular given name in the Middle Ages, as a surname it is attested in England from mid-12c. Larkin is a pet-form. For some reason, the name since at least 18c. has been the personification of indolence (Cf. also Ger. der faule Lenz "Lazy Lawrence"). But in Scotland, the pet form Lowrie has been used for "a fox" (c.1500), also for "a crafty person" (1560s).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Laurence —   [ lɔrənz], Margaret Jean, kanadische Schriftstellerin, * Neepawa (Provinz Manitoba) 18. 7. 1926, ✝ Lakefield (Provinz Ontario) 5. 1. 1987; lebte nach langen Aufenthalten in Afrika und Europa seit den 70er Jahren wieder in Kanada. Im Zentrum… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Laurence — [lôr′əns] n. [L Laurentius, prob. < Laurentum, town in Latium < ? laurus, laurel] a masculine name: dim. Larry; var. Lawrence; equiv. Fr. Laurent, Ger. Lorenz, It. & Sp. Lorenzo; fem. Laura …   English World dictionary

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