hieratic — HIERÁTIC, Ă, hieratici, ce, adj. 1. Care ţine de lucruri sfinte. 2. (În sintagma) Scriere hieratică = scriere cursivă şi simplificată a hieroglifelor. 3. (În artă; despre concepţii, orientări, realizări etc.) Care reprezintă sau susţine… … Dicționar Român
Hieratic — Hi er*at ic, a. [L. hieraticus, Gr. ieratiko s; akin to iero s sacred: cf. F. hi[ e]ratique.] Consecrated to sacred uses; sacerdotal; pertaining to priests. [1913 Webster] {Hieratic character}, a mode of ancient Egyptian writing; a modified form… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hieratic — [hī΄ər at′ik] adj. [L hieraticus < Gr hieratikos, of a priest s office, sacerdotal < hieros, sacred: see HIERO ] 1. of or used by priests; priestly; sacerdotal 2. designating or of the abridged form of cursive hieroglyphic writing once used … English World dictionary
Hieratic — Infobox Writing system name=Hieratic type=Abjad typedesc=with logographic elements time=Protodynastic Period–3rd century AD languages=Egyptian language fam1=Egyptian hieroglyphs children=Demotic spaces|2→ Coptic spaces|2→ Merotitic spaces|4→ Old… … Wikipedia
hieratic — hieratically, adv. /huy euh rat ik, huy rat /, adj. 1. Also, hieratical. of or pertaining to priests or the priesthood; sacerdotal; priestly. 2. noting or pertaining to a form of ancient Egyptian writing consisting of abridged forms of… … Universalium
hieratic — adjective Etymology: Latin hieraticus sacerdotal, from Greek hieratikos, from hierasthai to perform priestly functions, from hieros sacred; probably akin to Sanskrit iṣara vigorous Date: 1669 1. constituting or belonging to a cursive form of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
hieratic — 1. adjective a) of or pertaining to priests, especially pharaonic priests of ancient Egypt; sacerdotal. Some of the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved. b) of or pertaining to the cursive writing system developed by… … Wiktionary
Hieratic — A cursive script developed from hieroglyphs and regularly used for business and everyday matters, from the earliest dynasties until the New Kingdom (about two thousand years). Hieratic was particularly employed for writing on papyrus:… … Ancient Egypt
hieratic — Representing the sizes of things according to their importance, rather than how they would objectively appear in space. Hieratic compositions are often seen in the art of various ancient civilizations and primitive peoples, as well as during… … Glossary of Art Terms
hieratic — hi•er•at•ic [[t]ˌhaɪ əˈræt ɪk, haɪˈræt [/t]] adj. 1) rel Also, hi er•at′i•cal. of or pertaining to priests or a priesthood; sacerdotal; priestly 2) anq ling. of or designating a form of ancient Egyptian writing consisting of abridged forms of… … From formal English to slang