
{{11}}hamper (n.1) "large basket," early 14c., contraction of Anglo-French hanaper (Anglo-Latin hanepario), from O.Fr. hanepier "case for holding a large goblet or cup;" in medical use "skull," also "helmet; armored leather cap," from hanap "goblet," from Frankish or some other Germanic source (Cf. O.S. hnapp "cup, bowl;" O.H.G. hnapf, Ger. Napf, O.E. hnæpp). The word also meant (15c.) "the department of Chancery into which fees were paid for sealing and enrolling charters, etc." The first -a- may be a French attempt to render Germanic hn- into an acceptable Romanic form.
{{12}}hamper (n.2) 1835, "things important for a ship but in the way at certain times" (Klein's definition), from Fr. hamper "to impede." Hence top hamper, originally "upper masts, spars, rigging, etc. of a sailing ship."
{{12}}hamper (v.) late 14c., hampren "to surround, imprison, confine," also "to pack in a container," of unknown origin, possibly from HAMPER (Cf. hamper) (n.1), or somehow connected to M.E. hamelian "to maim." Related: Hampered; hampering.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • hamper — vb Hamper, trammel, clog, fetter, shackle, manacle, hog tie are comparable when meaning to hinder or impede one so that one cannot move, progress, or act freely. To hamper is to encumber or embarrass by or as if by an impediment or restraining… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Hamper — Ham per (h[a^]m p[ e]r), n. [Contr. fr. hanaper.] A large basket, usually with a cover, used for the packing and carrying of articles; as, a hamper of wine; a clothes hamper; an oyster hamper, which contains two bushels. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hamper — Ham per, v. t. [OE. hamperen, hampren, prob. of the same origin as E. hamble.] To put a hamper or fetter on; to shackle; to insnare; to inveigle; to entangle; hence, to impede in motion or progress; to embarrass; to encumber. Hampered nerves.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hamper — Ham per, n. [See {Hamper} to shackle.] 1. A shackle; a fetter; anything which impedes. W. Browne. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) Articles ordinarily indispensable, but in the way at certain times. Ham. Nav. Encyc. [1913 Webster] {Top hamper} (Naut.),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hamper — Ham per, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hampered} ( p[ e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Hampering}.] To put in a hamper. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hamper — I verb arrest, balk, bar, barricade, bind, block, brake, bridle, burden, check, choke, clog, confine, counteract, cramp, curb, debar, delay, deter, encumber, estop, tetter, foil, frustrate, handicap, hinder, hold back, impede, impedire, impedite …   Law dictionary

  • hamper — [n] basket for storage bassinet, carton, crate, creel, laundry basket, pannier; concept 494 hamper [v] impede, restrict baffle, balk, bar, bind, block, check, clog, cramp, cramp one’s style*, cumber, curb, drag one’s feet*, embarrass, encumber,… …   New thesaurus

  • hamper — Ⅰ. hamper [1] ► NOUN 1) a basket with a carrying handle and a hinged lid, used for food, cutlery, etc. on a picnic. 2) Brit. a box containing food and drink for a special occasion. ORIGIN Old French hanaper case for a goblet , from hanap goblet …   English terms dictionary

  • hàmper — m reg. vedro, kanta ✧ {{001f}}njem …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • hamper — hàmper m DEFINICIJA reg. vedro, kanta ETIMOLOGIJA njem …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • hamper — A canvas lined tub supported by a steel and wood frame, used to transport bulk, bundled, and sacked mail (from 440 to 800 pounds) between postal operations …   Glossary of postal terms

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