
{{11}}gin (n.1) "type of distilled drinking alcohol," 1714, shortening of geneva, altered (by influence of the similarity of the name of the Swiss city, with which it has no other connection) from Du. genever "juniper" (because the alcohol was flavored with its berries), from O.Fr. genevre, from V.L. *jeniperus, from L. juniperus "juniper" (see JUNIPER (Cf. juniper)). Gin and tonic attested by 1873; gin-sling by 1790. Card game gin rummy first attested 1941 (described in "Life" that year as the latest Hollywood fad).
{{12}}gin (n.2) "machine for separating cotton from seeds," 1796, Amer.Eng., used earlier of various other machineries, from M.E. gin "ingenious device, contrivance" (c.1200), from O.Fr. gin "machine, device, scheme," aphetic form of engin, from L. ingenium (see ENGINE (Cf. engine)). The verb in this sense is recorded from 1789.
{{12}}gin (v.1) in slang phrase gin up "enliven, make more exciting," 1887, probably from earlier ginger up in same sense (1849), from GINGER (Cf. ginger) in sense of "spice, pizzazz;" specifically in ref. to the treatment described in the 1811 slang dictionary under the entry for feague:
... to put ginger up a horse's fundament, and formerly, as it is said, a live eel, to make him lively and carry his tail well; it is said, a forfeit is incurred by any horse-dealer's servant, who shall shew a horse without first feaguing him. Feague is used, figuratively, for encouraging or spiriting one up.
{{13}}gin (v.2) "to begin," c.1200, ginnen, aphetic form of beginnen (see BEGIN (Cf. begin)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • gin — [ dʒin ] n. m. • 1794, h. 1759; mot angl., adapt. du néerl. genever « genièvre » ♦ Alcool à goût de genièvre obtenu par distillation de céréales. Bouteille de gin. Gin fizz : cocktail à base de gin et de citron. Des gin fizz. Gin tonic, à base de …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Gin — Gin, n. [A contraction of engine.] [1913 Webster] 1. Contrivance; artifice; a trap; a snare. Chaucer. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. (a) A machine for raising or moving heavy weights, consisting of a tripod formed of poles united at the top, with a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gin — GIN, ginuri, s.n. Băutură alcoolică obţinută prin distilarea (distila) mustului fermentat2 de cereale, în care s au pus boabe de ienupăr. – Din engl., fr. gin. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  gin (băutură) s. n., (sorturi, porţii) pl …   Dicționar Român

  • gin — gin1 [jin] n. [< GENEVA] 1. a strong, aromatic alcoholic liquor distilled from rye and other grains and flavored with juniper berries 2. a similar liquor differently flavored [sloe gin] 3. Archaic alcoholic liquor generally gin2 [jin] n …   English World dictionary

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  • Gin — Sm Wacholderbranntwein erw. fach. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. gin, einer Kurzform von ne. geneva, aus nndl. genever, aus afrz. gene(i)vre Wacholder , aus l. iūniperus f.    Ebenso nndl. gin, nfrz. gin, jenever, nschw. gin, genever,… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • gin — [dʒın] n [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: geneva gin (18 20 centuries), from Dutch genever, from Latin juniperus juniper , plant used to give gin its taste] 1.) [U and C] a strong alcoholic drink made mainly from grain, or a glass of this drink 2.) [U]… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • gin — Ⅰ. gin [1] ► NOUN 1) a clear alcoholic spirit distilled from grain or malt and flavoured with juniper berries. 2) (also gin rummy) a form of the card game rummy. ORIGIN abbreviation of genever, a kind of Dutch gin, from Latin juniperus (gin being …   English terms dictionary

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  • Gin — (j[i^]n), n. [Contr. from Geneva. See 2d {Geneva}.] A strong alcoholic liquor, distilled from rye and barley, and flavored with juniper berries; also called {Hollands} and {Holland gin}, because originally, and still very extensively,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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