
gelatine 1713, from Fr. gélatine (17c.) "clear jelly-like substance, fish broth," from It. gelatina, from gelata "jelly," from gelare "to jell," from L. gelare "to freeze" (see COLD (Cf. cold) (adj.)), + chemical suffix -INE (Cf. -ine) (2). Spelling without the final -e is from 1800. "The form without final -e is in scientific (or pseudo-scientific) use only ..." [Fowler].

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • gélatine — [ ʒelatin ] n. f. • 1611; it. gelatina ♦ Substance protidique obtenue à partir du collagène des tissus animaux soumis à l action prolongée de l eau bouillante. Feuilles de gélatine alimentaire. Les gélatines sont des supports utilisés en… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • gélatiné — gélatine [ ʒelatin ] n. f. • 1611; it. gelatina ♦ Substance protidique obtenue à partir du collagène des tissus animaux soumis à l action prolongée de l eau bouillante. Feuilles de gélatine alimentaire. Les gélatines sont des supports utilisés en …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Gelatine — Gel a*tine, n. Same as {Gelatin}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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