
follicle (n.) early 15c., from Fr. follicule or directly from L. folliculus "little bag," dim. of follis "bellows, inflated ball," from PIE *bhol-n-, suffixed form of root *bhel- (2) "to blow, swell" (see BOLE (Cf. bole)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Follicle — may refer to: *Follicle (anatomy), a small spherical group of cells containing a cavity: ** Dental follicle ** Hair follicle ** Lymph follicle ** Ovarian follicle ** Thyroid follicle *Follicle (fruit) …   Wikipedia

  • Follicle — Fol li*cle, n. [L. folliculus a small bag, husk, pod, dim of follis bellows, an inflated ball, a leathern money bag, perh. akin to E. bellows: cf. F. follicule. Cf. 2d {Fool}.] 1. (Bot.) A simple podlike pericarp which contains several seeds and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • follicle — [fäl′i kəl] n. [ModL folliculus < L, a small bag, husk, pod, dim. of follis, bellows < IE base * bhel , to blow up, swell > BALL1, BULL1] 1. Anat. a) any small sac, cavity, or gland for excretion or secretion [a hair follicle] b) …   English World dictionary

  • follicle — ► NOUN ▪ a small glandular cavity or pouch, especially that in which the root of a hair develops. DERIVATIVES follicular adjective. ORIGIN Latin folliculus little bag …   English terms dictionary

  • follicle — Generally a small sac or vesicle. Bot. A kind of fruit formed from a single carpel, that splits to release its seeds. Zool. Its use includes: hair follicle, an invagination of the epidermis into the dermis surrounding the hair root; ovarian… …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • follicle — 1. A more or less spherical mass of cells usually containing a cavity. 2. A crypt or minute cul de sac or lacuna, such as the depression in the skin from which the hair emerges. SYN: folliculus [TA]. [L. folliculus, a small sac, dim. of follis, a …   Medical dictionary

  • follicle — n. 1) (in anatomy) a small secretory cavity, sac, or gland, such as any of the cavities in the ovary in which the ova are formed. See also: Graafian follicle, hair follicle 2) (in ophthalmology) any of the smooth translucent elevations of the… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • follicle — UK [ˈfɒlɪk(ə)l] / US [ˈfɑlɪk(ə)l] noun [countable] Word forms follicle : singular follicle plural follicles medical a very small hole in your skin that contains the root of a hair …   English dictionary

  • follicle —   n. small deep cavity or sac.    ♦ follicular, a.    ♦ folliculate, a. having or enclosed in follicle.    ♦ folliculose,    ♦ folliculous, a. like follicle …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • follicle — An enclosing cluster of cells that protects and nourishes a cell or structure within. Thus a follicle in the ovary contains a developing egg cell, while a hair follicle envelops the root of hair …   Glossary of Biotechnology

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