
{{11}}flag (n.1) "cloth ensign," late 15c., now in all modern Germanic languages, but apparently first recorded in English, origin unknown, but likely connected with FLAG (Cf. flag) (v.) or else, like it, perhaps onomatopoeic. A less likely guess is that it is from the flag in FLAGSTONE (Cf. flagstone) on notion of being square and flat. U.S. Flag Day (1894) is in reference to the adopting of the Stars and Stripes by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777.
{{12}}flag (n.2) "flat, split stone," c.1600, earlier "piece cut from turf or sod" (mid-15c.), from O.N. flaga "stone slab," perhaps related to O.N. flak (see FLAKE (Cf. flake)).
{{12}}flag (n.3) aquatic plant, late 14c., "reed, rush," perhaps from a Scandinavian source (Cf. Dan. flæg "yellow iris") or Du. flag; perhaps ultimately connected to flag (v.) on notion of "fluttering in the breeze."
{{13}}flag (v.) 1540s, "flap about loosely," perhaps a variant of M.E. flakken, flacken "to flap, flutter" (late 14c.), probably from O.N. flakka "to flicker, flutter," perhaps onomatopoeic of something flapping lazily in the wind. Sense of "go limp, droop" is first recorded 1610s. Meaning "to designate as someone who will not be served more liquor" is from 1980s, probably from use of flags to signal trains, etc., to halt, which led to the verb in this sense (1856, American English). Related: Flagged; flagging.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • flag — flag …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Flag — Flag, n. [Cf. LG. & G. flagge, Sw. flagg, Dan. flag, D. vlag. See {Flag} to hang loose.] 1. That which flags or hangs down loosely. [1913 Webster] 2. A cloth usually bearing a device or devices and used to indicate nationality, party, etc., or to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • flag — Ⅰ. flag [1] ► NOUN 1) an oblong piece of cloth that is raised on or attached to a pole and used as an emblem or marker. 2) a device or symbol resembling a flag, used as a marker. 3) a small paper badge given to people who donate to a charity… …   English terms dictionary

  • Flag — Flag, v. t. [From {Flag} an ensign.] 1. To signal to with a flag or by waving the hand; as, to flag a train; also used with down; as, to flag down a cab. [1913 Webster] 2. To convey, as a message, by means of flag signals; as, to flag an order to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flag — flag1 [flag] n. [LME flagge < FLAG4, in obs. sense “to flutter”] 1. a piece of cloth or bunting, often attached to a staff, with distinctive colors, patterns, or symbolic devices, used as a national or state symbol, as a signal, etc.; banner;… …   English World dictionary

  • Flag — Flag, n. [From {Flag} to hang loose, to bend down.] (Bot.) An aquatic plant, with long, ensiform leaves, belonging to either of the genera {Iris} and {Acorus}. [1913 Webster] {Cooper s flag}, the cat tail ({Typha latifolia}), the long leaves of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • flag — [ flag ] n. m. • 1935; abrév. de flagrant délit ♦ Arg. Flagrant délit. « Le proxénétisme, c est un délit, merde ! Il est perpétuellement en flag, ce mec là » (M. Rolland). Des flags. flag ou flague [flag] n. m. ÉTYM. 1935; abrév. de flagrant… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • flag|gy — flag|gy1 «FLAG ee», adjective, gi|er, gi|est. 1. hanging down limply; drooping. 2. soft and flabby; having no firmness; flaccid. ╂[< flag …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flag — (fl[a^]g), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Flagged} (fl[a^]gd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Flagging} (fl[a^]g g[i^]ng).] [Cf. Icel. flaka to droop, hang loosely. Cf. {Flacker}, {Flag} an ensign.] 1. To hang loose without stiffness; to bend down, as flexible bodies;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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